Some highlighted clients

Why Choose Us?
We’ll give you some reasons why you should consider choosing Valkira as your reliable business partner.

Creativity & Innovation

Excellent Communication

Expert Team

Top Quality

Personalized Approach

Fair price

Service Flexibility

Client Dedication

Fast Delivery

Service Diversity


Reputation and Trust
What our Clients Say?
We really can’t list all clients in one place, but we can list those who have shown us long-standing trust and who have been our first choice until today. Find out why.

We started with small projects, and our collaboration naturally continued to Bravo Bravo! We’ve been working with Valkira for about 10 years on visual brand development and implementation. Valkira has offered a variety of excellent visual solutions used in various TV, internet, and outdoor campaigns.

From the very beginning, the Valkira team has shown professionalism, creativity, and dedication in every aspect of the project. Their expertise in creating visual solutions and attention to detail have resulted in outstanding results. I warmly recommend them to anyone looking for a reliable partner for marketing services.

Since its inception, Neki Daniels Media has had Valkira as its top choice. All our projects have been visually designed by their creative team, and we can proudly say they have exceeded all our expectations. I would definitely recommend Valkira to anyone looking for professional solutions.

Obavezno preporučujem Marina i tim Valkira za marketing u medtech sektoru. Njihov doprinos u uspostavljanju lokalne medtech udruge s prepoznatljivim vizualnim identitetom bio je neprocjenjiv. Radujem se nastavku naše suradnje i preporučujem Valkiru svima koji traže vrhunske marketinške usluge

Iskreno, ne mogu dovoljno istaknuti koliko sam impresioniran uslugama koje pruža Valkira. Kada smo tražili rješenja za naš vizualni identitet, nismo ni sanjali da ćemo doživjeti ovakvu razinu profesionalnosti i kreativnosti. Valkira nas je oduševila ne samo svojom izvrsnom kvalitetom dizajna, već i jednostavnošću komunikacije koju su omogućili tokom cijelog procesa.

Od samog početka naša suradnja s “Korak ispred” pokazala se izuzetno produktivnom i inspirativnom. Zajednički brainstorming sesije omogućile su nam dubinsko razumijevanje našeg brenda i ciljeva. Zahvaljujući njihovom stručnom pristupu i kreativnosti, uspjeli smo postići vrhunske rezultate u svim aspektima naših promocija.

I highly recommend Marina and the Valkira team for marketing in the medtech sector. Their contribution to establishing a local medtech association with a recognizable visual identity has been invaluable. I look forward to continuing our collaboration and recommend Valkira to anyone seeking top-notch marketing services.

Honestly, I cannot emphasize enough how impressed I am with the services provided by Valkira. When we were seeking solutions for our visual identity, we never dreamed we would experience this level of professionalism and creativity. Valkira has impressed us not only with their excellent design quality but also with the simplicity of communication they facilitated throughout the entire process.

From the very beginning, our collaboration with “Korak Ispred” has been extremely productive and inspiring. Joint brainstorming sessions have allowed us to gain a deep understanding of our brand and goals. Thanks to their expertise and creativity, we have achieved excellent results in all aspects of our promotions.
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If you have any questions before making a final decision to collaborate with us, no problem. Feel free to reach out and ask us anything you’re curious about!